If you’ve been on my site more than 3 seconds, you see that I like to ask questions. I don’t ask questions for my sake, I ask questions for …

If you’ve been on my site more than 3 seconds, you see that I like to ask questions. I don’t ask questions for my sake, I ask questions for your sake. When we stop and think about the answer to a question, we can see where we need to make changes. For example, I always ask the question, “Are you going through life, or growing through life?” How does it make you feel to think about that question? If you are like most people, you might swallow hard and have a deep inner sense that something in your life needs to change. You may not know what it is yet, but you know there’s something.

That’s because from the womb, we are prewired for growth. We aren’t meant to be at the same place today that we were last year. And next year, we shouldn’t be at the same place we are today. What does that mean? What does it mean to grow?

Growth is simply coming up higher in a certain area of life. It means improving, evolving, and increasing. Becoming better. Growth looks differently for each person. Some people need to grow in their relationships. They need to focus on spending more time with their loved ones and building better connections. Some people need to grow in their physical health. They need to focus on being active and making better food choices, or they need to focus on supporting the systems of the body better so they can be healthier. Some people need to grow in their finances. They need to get a better handle on their spending and look for ways to bring increase.

Do you know what area of life you need to grow in? Let me ask you another question: In what areas of life are you dissatisfied? You dissatisfaction is telling you something.

You probably know a lot of people who are dissatisfied in one way or another, and yet they stay the same year after year. That’s because they don’t think they deserve more. They don’t think they deserve better than what they have.

If that’s you today, I want to encourage you to look at your life differently. Lots of very successful people made mistakes, wrong choices, had setbacks, and faced difficulty in life. The key is, they saw more for themselves than what they had in their hand. They chose to grow through life instead of just going through life.

Know this: There is more for you in your future and I want to help you get there. Start today by opening yourself to the possibility of what your life could like if things were different. What would you change? What area do you need to grow in? Think about it.