One of the greatest influences on your success in life is the people you hang around. You are a combination of the 5 people you spend…
One of the greatest influences on your success in life is the people you hang around. You are a combination of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you can’t seem to figure out why you can’t get ahead in life, if you feel like you are always swimming upstream, so to speak, it might be time to evaluate your relationships.
As we grow and change, our circle should grow and change. Evaluating and changing our relationships doesn’t have to be scary or abrupt. But take a moment and ask yourself, “Are my relationships helping me become better? Are the people around me helping me move forward in life?” If you answered no, it’s time to change your inner circle. When I look at my life, my group of friends at this stage is different from my group of friends 10 years ago. That’s because I am different than I was 10 years ago. My support structure looks differently.
One of the fastest and easiest ways to change your circle is to add a mentor. If you are craving growth, if you want to have more influence in the world around you, find someone who is doing what you want to do. Find someone who is living in the success you are looking for. Find people who are moving forward in life because success breeds success. Just like fish follow the stream they are in, you will follow the stream of success you immerse yourself into.
If you aren’t sure how to find a mentor, I want to help you! Click here for more information